Project Details
Detailed Narrative Description of the Project:
Assist the Palau Public Utilities Corporation (PPUC) to assess contractor claims for the Koror-Airai Sanitation Project (KASP) Contract No. PAL 3060/61-KASP-Works ICB-03: Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade in Malakal and, if necessary, assist PPUC prepare responses to the Contractor claims.
Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by AGMES Consultants:
Preparation of Claim Case Files including:
a) research historical files and data to
collate, in chronological order, all relevant reference material with respect
to a particular claim.
b) identification of Contractors key
notice and claim correspondence which refers the claim to the Contract.
c) presentation of Claim Case Files to
Assessment of Claims including:
a) preparation of the assessment on the
merit of the claim, with reference to Contract clauses including:
(i) has the claim been correctly
submitted in accordance with the Contract.
(ii) does the claim have merit under the
Contract, if so which clauses, if not which clauses.
(iii) summarize and document the
position of both parties.
b) assessment of quantum of claims including
preparation of spread sheets comparing the Contractors claim versus the
Employer's assessment. Summarize and document position of both parties.
c) assessment of supporting
documentation provided by the Contractor to validate quantum.
d) collation and cross-reference
supporting documentation to validate the assessment of quantum where parties
have different views.
Assessment of Risks including:
a) assess what is the risk of the
dispute process finding merit in the claim.
b) assess what is the risk around any
differences in quantum of claim.
c) formulate claims strategies for
considering the risks/benefits to the Employer to take the claim to the Dispute
Board (DB) for opinion, or going to the DB with a dispute for a DB decision.
4. Presentation of the Claims Assessment and Claims Risk Assessment to
(ii) does the claim have merit under the Contract, if so which clauses, if not which clauses.
(iii) summarize and document the position of both parties.
a) assess what is the risk of the dispute process finding merit in the claim.