Southeast Gobi Urban and Border Town Development Project — Additional Financing

Project Details

Detailed Narrative Description of the Project:
The technical assistance (TA) project for the management and reuse of sludge from on-site sanitation facilities and decentralized wastewater treatment plants was approved together with the Loan 3388-MON: Southeast Gobi Urban and Border Town Development Project - Additional Financing on 22 April 2016. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the ADB's Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility has provided $1.00 million to finance the TA. The expected TA impact is that the urban environment will be improved through reduction in soil, surface and ground water pollution; fecal sludge will be fully treated and food production will be supported and enhanced.

The TA includes the following activities: (i) determination of current quantities and characteristics of sludge generated from sanitation facilities in Mongolia; (ii) assessment of current impediments (regulatory, socio-cultural, lack of information etc.) to sludge reuse in Mongolia; (iii) determination of potential beneficial uses for sewage sludge in Mongolia, with a focus on the project towns, centers of Arkhangai, Dornogobi, Umnugovi and Uvurkhangai aimags (provinces); (iv) recommendation of measures to enhance sludge reuse – with a particular focus on the regulatory framework and measures to overcome socio-cultural objection to reuse; (v) preparation of necessary legislative and regulatory instruments to appropriately manage sludge and promote reuse in the country; and (vi) from among the project aimags, selection of one or two locations to implement a pilot sludge reuse and disposal project, including evaluation and assessment of impacts and results.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by AGMES Consultants:

Output 1: Legislation, Regulation and Standards for Sewage Sludge Management and Reuse

established and adopted:

(i) support MCUD in establishing a national contact group for sludge management, reuse and disposal.

The Project Advisor will draft the terms of reference of the national contact group, including:

− purpose and objectives – define the overall purpose and objectives of forming such a group, what are intended outputs and key success indicators

− suggested member composition – define which agencies should be represented, who is the appropriate representative of each agency

− organizational structure – define reporting hierarchies and roles, responsibilities and privileges of each agency/representative

− agenda – define frequency of meetings and description of what can and should be discussed in each, documentation of each meeting and other relevant discussions

(ii) conduct assessment of current legislation and regulation which may impact on sludge management and disposal; and

(iii) based on this review, and options identified through the review of potential reuse and disposal options, advise a legal specialist (national TA consultant) in drafting legislation and supporting regulations for sludge and fecal solids handling, reuse and disposal and a national waste management and environmental specialist (national TA consultant) in developing relevant standards;


Output 2: Development and establishment of viable sludge disposal practices and reuse pathways and related technologies.

(i) With support from national consultants, conduct an assessment of sources, volume and profile of current sludge and calculate projections for up to 25 years considering future population growth and wastewater management plans in the target areas

(ii) Investigate potential sludge management reuse and disposal pathways under Mongolian conditions based on regional and international experience, and determine optimal approaches; and

(iii) Develop management, disposal and reuse models for sludge management and develop an

associated action plan for their introduction and implementation.


Output 3: The design and implementation of pilot projects to establish the agricultural production value of sludge used as a soil conditioner:

(i) advise on the location of pilot projects for sludge reuse based on discussions and agreements reached with project aimag centers;

(ii) agree on scope of pilot projects and implementation arrangements, and commence and oversee implementation. Implementation of the pilot project shall commence by Q4 2017;

(iii) oversee preparation and execution of stakeholder communication strategy and local media


(iv) conduct training and advocacy activities in pilot centers;

(v) monitor and evaluate performance of pilot project and determine lessons to be learned;

(vi) prepare knowledge products generated on the successful pilots;

(vii) support in the preparation of operation and maintenance manual for the sludge reuse operations; and

(viii) Disseminate findings from pilot activities.

Project Photos