Participatory Small Scale Water Resources Sector Project (PSSWRSP)

Project Details

Detailed Narrative Description of the Project:

Based on the successful outcome of ADB supported sector projects SSW – 1 and the SSW – 2 and the Government request for further investment support, the project participatory Small Scale Water Resources Sector Project (PSSWRSP) has been included in the ADB Country Strategy and program for Bangladesh. Both SSW – 1 and SSW – 2 have enhanced rural incomes by developing community based water management associations and community managed small scale infrastructure and this approach has proved effective in the drive to reduce rural; poverty.

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by AGMES Consultants:

Review water resources sector projects and the role of water management cooperative associations and review required coordination with the JBIC project and capacity of LGED’s IWRMU to handle increased tasks and ensure quality.

Review present role, capacity and staffing of IWRMU. Prepare a time-bound action plan for strengthening the IWRMU.

In conjunction with national institutional specialists review and assess overall institutional structure of DOC and identify key weaknesses in existing arrangements and functions.

Review existing performance of DOC in its statutory, regulatory, promotional roles and identify opportunities for performance enhancement.

With advice and recommendations of legal expert make recommendations (as required) for strengthening existing legal frameworks pertaining to cooperatives.

Assess training needs of IWRM Unit and DOC Staff and develop capacity building program and training aids.

Review MIS database and opportunities for strengthening coordination through information sharing and data interpretation to respond to WMCA evolving needs,

Fulfill reporting outputs and arrange and conduct workshops

Coordinate with DOC and LGED to finalize TA outputs and seek advice and guidance for finalizing recommendations.

Review and update Terms of Reference, organization chart and linkages with other associated line agencies and make a similar review and preparations for the LGED’s Project Management Office while considering how to strengthen linkages.

Review effectiveness of the SSWRSP phase-II capacity building plan for LGED personnel and recommend possible further refinements. Explore possibilities for an increased involvement of the LGED’s training unit in capacity development for the participating institutions.

Explore possibilities for improving and internalizing feedbacks and use of the management information system to better identify and react to the evolving needs of WMCAs. Recommend methods for sharing data with partner agencies.

Consider options for raising the project’s profile at regional level through linkages with international water resources or research organizations.

Project Photos